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Olaf Böhlke

Here are, in my opinion, some of the best links for language learning.

German Practice Online: GPO

German Audio & Video Online: GAVO

Spanish Practice Online: SPO

Spanish Audio & Video Online: SAVO

Creating interactive exercises with detailed context sensitive feedback is a lot of work. Would you like to contribute? You would choose the level of involvement. Our students will profit from our work, since it is published on the WWW and accessible to anyone. These programs will always be freeware. How can I join this project? If you find a typo, or would like to suggest a 'better' response or feedback, please don't hesitate to email bohlkeNoSpam@ creightonDOTedu

Note for Teachers who want to create their own: If you want to create web-based interactive exercises with feedback on your own, my top recommendation is Hot Potatoes, which is free if you use it for academic work and make your exercises accessible to everyone on the web. And that's what the web is all about.



Interactive Grammar Activities:

1. Adjectives:
Adjective Endings
/ Adjektivendungen

Finished (47 items 3/19/03) [79 Kb] + Worksheet with English Translation (draft) 09/2010 (PDF)
This exercise includes secondary (weak) and primary (strong) adjective endings; it covers adjectives preceded by DER- and EIN-words, as well as those not preceded by an article. The theme for this practice is the history of Berlin. HELP
section included.

2. Conjunctions:
If When Whenever Whether / Als Ob Wann Wenn

Finished (22 items 3/23/03) [26 Kb] + Worksheet (PDF) for this and a HotPotatoes excercise
This exercise asks students to decide which of the four conjunctions is the correct choice for the given context. HELP
section included.

3. Prepositions:
/ Präpositionen

BETA (30 items 6/6/03) [466 Kb !] 800x600 resolution

This program asks students to type complete sentences: subject / verb / (preposition clue given in English / object.. At this stage, the program is only self-correcting, but supplies almost no feedback on errors. (only items 1&2 have feedback).PICTURES with CULTURAL NOTES and a HELP section are included. Please send your feedback if you find mistakes, want to add explanations, or have other ideas for this project.

4. Pronouns:
Relative pronouns
/ Relativpronomen

Finished (22 items 3/23/03) [77 Kb] + Worksheet Full Text (PDF), or Slim Text (PDF) version.
This exercise includes Nominative, Accusative, Dative, Genitive; Relative Pronouns with Prepositions; and Indefinite Relative Pronouns. HELP section and TUTORIAL included. Also see this wonderful Dartmouth page!

5. Verbs:
Simple Past (Narrative Past) / Präteritum

Finished (36 items 9/15/03) [145 Kb]
This is the Rotkäppchen / Red Riding Hood fairy tale with PICTURES. Students fill in the blanks with mostly irregular verbs in the simple past. HELP section included.

6. You choose by contacting me and by developing items for the next program.

Miscellaneous Projects (basic feedback)

Hot Potatoes Interactive Exerercises with Webbrowser (collection of various grammar topics).

JavaScript Interactive Exerercises with Webbrowser (collection of various grammar topics).

Audio and Shockwave
1. Stereotypes / Klischees und Vorurteile. BETA-No time to finish. (12/4/03) [2270 Kb!]
This Shockwave program includes: Introduction; Teil I: Group Work & Discussion 30 min; Teil II: Listening 15-20 min. with 20 questions; Teil III: Writing 30 min. The audio is taken from an authentic radio broadcast by Deutschlandfunk's Campus & Karriere (March 2003).
Technical Note! This Shockwave movie is streaming, so you can start working very soon - despite its 2.2. Mb size - while the remaining elements of this movie are downloading in the background. Therefore, it is possible that some audio segments are not yet loaded if you click very fast through the program or if you have a slow Internet connection.

1. Neue Heimat? - Türken in Deutschland (2001). Finished-but at least 7 years old [60 Mb!]
Deutsche Welle QuickTime video in German, No subtitles, with chapter tracks and a worksheet (RTF) with 16 questions. Recommended for Intermediate German. Please download the video to your harddrive first before showing it in class. Feel free to modify the worksheet to fit your needs. And please share any major improvements with me! Here is the directory.

Grammar Handouts, Information, Tables, Flowcharts, etc.
1. Adjective Endings - Flowchart, source URL below. GIF [13 Kb]
http://german.about.com/library/weekly/aa021599.htm (2003)

Grammar Drill Program with Correct/False feedback
1. Strong and Irregular Verbs in Simple Past = Narrative Past- Drill OK, work in progress [26 Kb]
2. Strong and Irregular Verbs in Participle Form = Conversational Past = Present or Past Perfect Particples. Drill OK, work in progress [26 Kb]

GPO German Practice Online

Interactive Grammar Activities & Miscellaneous Projects